Monday, September 11, 2006

September 11

I was fast asleep and head of the Alumni Association in my Fraternity called me screaming into the phone about the end of the world. I had to calm him down to understand what was actually happening.

I ran to a TV set and stwitched to CNN. It was after the first plane had hit and the building was on fire. I didn't believe that it was happening. I could not fathom how a plane had hit the WTC. How could a pilot be so off course?

It wasn't until I listened to the news anchor explain that terrorits has seized control of these planes as they left and that they were using them as gigantic missiles against New York. The United States was under attack.

The second plane hit.

An enormous explosion and liquid fire went shooting out the side of the tower. People jumped to their deaths to escape the fire.

The buildings collapsed.

All classes were cancelled for that day and the following day as every student was glued to their television sets in a prolonged state of shock. Not knowing what we should think. Not understanding what we should feel.

Even now as I write this blog the same dark feeling is returning. I have not felt that feeling since September 11, 2001. The only difference now is; I know what to think. I know what to feel.


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