Wednesday, September 13, 2006 launches

So my company has just launched a social network called yesterday. When I first heard the idea I thought, "Great another social network..." I sell Ad Serving and through the sales process over the past 3 years I have seen many many Web 2.0s and Startups. I have worked closely with them integrating our technology and have seen them succeed and seen them fail. If there is one thing I can tell you it is that Social Networks are not an easy thing to grow into a large business. For every MySpace or Hi5, there are many tiny Startups that never really see success.

So how did my company create a Social network without heading straight for the monotony of the Web 2.0 wasteland?...Shopping.

This is a truly unique spin on the social network (In private beta the team managed to sign up over 4 million users, about 75% US). I am slightly biased because I work for the company, but I am not a part of the ZEBO team so I may retain a shred of credibility here.

ZEBO users list products they own on the site!

I'm not sure how they convinced millions of people to list what they own, but they did. This information can be tremendously useful to consumers as well as the brands that market to them.

ZEBO users list what they own, share opinions about products they own with their friends, ask advice on purchases, select guru's on products like clothes or electronics among their friends there are some really cool features about the site.

From a brand's perspective there are several ways that this can really bring value to a brand:

Advertising: Brands can target buyers for repurchase or potential buyers for purchase separately. They can look for their target market segment and serve branded ads on the site.

Direct Promotion: Brands can setup a feed to the site and have their products sold on the site. Behavioral targeting and Demo/Psychographic targeting can give them a more prominent position on the site and rather than paying for clicks they can earn sales directly from the site.

Measure actual market share among ZEBO users: Brands can search for their name/product among their competition and look to see what % of users or the total number of users own their product vs their competitors.

Measure the desire to own their product among ZEBO users: ZEBO users make wish lists. Brands can search for the number of people who want their product vs their competitors, supplemental products, or relaly anything (iPods vs Prada vs Scion... who wins?)

ZEBO is also a social network where you can:
(1) Shop
(2) Compare Products
(3) Share pictures
(4) Create Film Strips

The coolest feature from a users perspective seems to be the "Popularity Contest." This feature allows users to search for their favorite brands, products, really anything to see how many other ZEBO users have or want the same things.

All in all this site has lots of potential and should grow fast. The key to any launch is the press. That is of course out of our control so stay tuned to see if we get the hockey stick...


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